Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Spring incentive...

Thoughts of Spring inspire us to refresh and renew! Out with the old...including pictures!
Wouldn't you love to adorn your walls with big, gorgeous gallery wrapped canvases of your child(ren), and fun, spontaneous family portraits you absolutely love?

Here is a gentle nudge you just can't ignore and it's only for the next 5 people who call the studio. If you do not speak directly with someone, you must leave a message requesting this special and we will return your call.

Call and prepay $1000 which includes your session, and you'll receive $1300 towards your portrait order. This session includes both indoor and outdoor portraits, unlimited locations in the Old Town area, unlimited clothing changes, and up to 5 people (so you can have family and individual portraits done at the same time).

Your portrait session must take place before June 1st 2009.

Hurry, hurry :) We may even use your portraits in our 2009 advertising and displays!

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