Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I need a few models...

I've been asked to make a video of some outdoor sessions, so other professionals can watch my shooting style, and interaction with children. Great, except my new two weeks are filled with maternity and newborn sessions.

I need a few gorgeous little kiddos to help me out. If you've got children between the ages of 4 and 7 who are particularly fond of having their picture taken, and you're willing to work with a few special requests (regarding clothing selection) please contact me. You'll receive a complimentary session, and 20% off your portraits.

These sessions must take place next week!

Here's a cutie I photographed last week. Don't you loooove her lips. My goodness, what a beauty.
Her eyes are so big you can see me in them!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hey Nicole!
Long time no talk~
I'd love to hear more about me if you have a second. I'd love to chat!