Friday, March 14, 2008

Vegas, baby...

I'm flying out to Las Vegas for a photography conference and will return March 21st.
Each day I'll be attending seminars lead by world-class photographers, though my huband doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm going for the shows, parties and gambling...ok so maybe a little of that too ;) However, last time I was in Vegas I lost $25 in less than two minutes and vowed to never gamble again. If I save my gambling money, I can buy myself a new pair of shoes instead!

Lucky me, I scored Cirque du Soleil's Mystere tickets on eBay - 7th row excited about that! St. Patrick's Day has always been extra special for us because it's also our oldest daughter's birthday, so I'm sad to be away from her. I must admit, St. Patty's Day in Vegas isn't the worst thing in the world, if I've got to be away from one of my babies.

As you know, Spring weather is upon us and the calls are coming in to book Spring pictures.
Don't let the thought of having pictures taken keep you from doing it! I promise you I won't let it be a stressful thing for you and your family. The hardest part should be picking out the clothing. After that, just leave the rest to me :) You can hang out in the studio while I get some indoor shots, then we'll take a walk in Old Town and enjoy the sights and sounds of spring. No Worries! If you have reservations about clothing, call me and I'll talk you through it.
The most important thing is to CALL! Before you know it, your kids will be 6, 10 and 14 and you won't have any family pictures with them (oh wait, that's MY family...terrible!). to finish packing.

Viva Las Vegas!

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