Friday, September 28, 2007

What to wear...

Ahhhh, this week is much better than last! Sorry for you folks who like hot weather, but I'm over it. Fall is here to stay and I'm excited. This leads me to a very popular question my clients ask me - - What should she/he/we wear? Let me start by telling you what you should NOT wear (outside, in the fall) - white. White is boooring, it washes out most people, it wreaks havoc on my exposure, and it gets dirty easily. I want your portraits to convey something special about who you are! Personally, I love colors, textures (not to be confused with patterns like strips and plaid-yikes!) layers and accessories. If your style is more classic, that's ok too. For example, black sweaters, dark denim jeans and black shoes look good on everyone, young and old - especially for family portraits. If you just can't make up your mind - that's ok, bring it all with you! I'll help you decide what will look best and if you want to wear a few different things, I encourage it. So, please do your homework - plan to bring at least two really great, well-thought-out outfits...and leave the rest to me :)
Pictures to follow...

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