The show airs tonight on ABC at 8pm Eastern. Join 10,000 of you friends at the Breslin Center on the campus of Michigan State Univ. to watch the show with the Nickless family, Mayberry Homes, the volunteers, radio personalities, and special guests - LIVE! Doors open at 6:30pm. See you there :)
ps. can you guess which was Ty's secret project?
(my apologies for the low-res images - it was the best way to upload several at once)
I'm on my way to a basketball time to put these in order, but I'll be adding more later so please stop back.
AMAZING PHOTO'S. We heard about this alot when it was going on but wasnt sure when it was going to air. Thanks for the heads up. This is my fav. show and I thought about driving down but never got the chance too.
Nicole, these images are fabulous! Wonderful work! Love the artistic angles and the unobtrusive way you captured all the candid moments. So proud of you!
These are wonderfully you Nik! I specially like the ones that have your daughters ever so slyly embedded in the one of Olivia in the arms of a movie star while her sister Abby laughs hysterically in the background! But seriously, awesome pics and wouldn't have expected anything less of you!!! Good job!
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